Trials,Tribulations, Travels, Tastings...and Occassional Transcendence

Trials,Tribulations, Travels, Tastings...and Occassional Transcendence
Sock on the Great Wall

Friday, January 25, 2008


After feeling like I was dying for two days I finally dragged myself to the doctors. Turns out I have pneumonia - who would have thought. I don't think I have ever been this sick before in my entire life. Seeing as how I consider myself to have a high tolerance for pain the fact that I finally succumbed to taking pain meds says alot for how bad I hurt all over. Especially my lungs. It's as if an elephant has decided to sit on my chest. And each shallow breath feels like I am breathing through broken glass. When I must cough - I try not to because it hurts too much - it feels as if my ribs are being split apart with an ax and the taste of blood in my mouth afterwards makes me queasy. Then there's the issue of appetite. NONE. Which for me means I am really sick. There have only been a couple of times in my life, that I can recall, when I have had no appetite. I can usually eat no matter how sick I am - but not now. Nothing appeals to me and when I try and force food down I feel as if it's going to come back up again. Hell. I can feel myself getting weaker but I just can't stomach anything. I hope these super-antibiotics kick in soon because I need to eat! I know I wanted to drop a couple of lbs. from all those Christmas cookies, but not this way! So I will keep pushing fluids, because Ginger Ale seems to be the only thing I can keep down. Stuck on the couch surrounded by my animals watching movies...not such good times :(


flahute said...

I can think of worse places to be than on the couch surrounded by animals watching movies ... but I'm sorry you're feeling like shit while doing so ...

For me, it's better when it's pissing down rain and thunder and lightening ... and you're not on your deathbed.

Sending mental chicken noodle and potato leek soup your way.

Anonymous said...

Sorry your feeling the way I did. The antibiotics do really help! I was feeling better in about 1.5 days. Then the surgery and I had to stay in bed for 3 FN days. I was and still am bored out of my mind. Like you said sometimes I wish death would of came.

I'm wearing a scarf anywhere I go because there is no way in hell I getting sick again.

Hope you're feeling better!
Take care.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I could fed ex a couple Loretab to ya...

I just wanted to say I really feel for you, I really do... if I remember correctly a glass of wine did help... at least I think. Ah this week has been one big blur.

So what animals are you surrounded by? Any good movies?

B-Horn said...

Say it ain't so Queen, whenever you put an N after a P and it has to do with illness it can't be good, the ol' double consinant rule.

Get sleep and take in fluids and don't go hard at anything for 6 weeks, trust me. It's the gift that keeps on giving, I hope it goes by quickly...