I am a strong woman. I know this. I love that about myself, however, why is it that I attract weak men? Or men that think because I am strong that I should carry their load as well? Is it so wrong to want equality? An even balance between two people? I know I am more than capable of doing as much or even more work than any man I know, I however do not want that in a partner. I also don' t want to have someone that is in constant competition with me either - that's not too healthy, is it? So then, here is the dilemma: Does all this mean I want too much? I don't think so, but history has proven to me otherwise. So single I remain. Happily. Truly. It is not necessary for me to be inovlved with someone just to have someone "there". I prefer to be by myself and my own rock if that is how it is to be. I do not expect anyone to take care of me, so I therefore expect to take care of no one. So, if you are a strong, independent man that wants the same in a woman - bring it on. If not - please find someone who resembles Florence Nightingale. Know for certain that this woman will throw you a band-aid and run the other way if you cut yourself. Reason #254 why they call me the Ice Princess.
LOL! Everytime I see that picture it makes me laugh! Keep the pimp hand strong!
LOL! Everytime I see that picture it makes me laugh! Keep the pimp hand strong!
LOL! Everytime I see that picture it makes me laugh! Keep the pimp hand strong!
A-, I'll e-mail you bladder girl's number and you can set her up with with umbrella boy... that looks like a match made in heaven... Chuck Woolery has nothing on the Horn...
That pic is so true!! Being a strong female is a great thing..most of the time. Sometimes even the ice princess has to melt a little.
There is a theory in cognitive therapy that people repeat the same patterns because our minds become used to traveling particular neural paths; and thus seek those paths.
It's sort of the mental equivalent of commuting ... where you always take the same route to work, even though you know that sometimes traffic is really going to suck, instead of seeking a new/better way of getting where you need to go.
This also helps explain why people who have certain maladaptive schemas tend to keep being attracted to the same types of people. For example, the emotionally deprived (like my ex-wife) are constantly attracted to the emotionally inhibited (like me), and vice-versa.
I don't want to repeat the same patterns in my next relationship, and so I am actively in therapy, and still on happy pills just to deal with the daily anxiety about my own self-worth.
Does this make me a weak man? I sure hope not. In fact, I believe this is making me a stronger man in the long run.
But that's just me. Your experience may be different ... but then again, maybe not.
Interesting, Steven. I know I am emotionally inhibited...but I am happy with myself the way I am and have no desire to change. So the result - me staying single and drinking wine instead of taking happy pills. I don't think this is a problem :)
I try to take the same path on my daily commute, but I keep on flying into windows...
Hey my word verification for this ditty is "ufast" wow that could be interpeted in several ways now couldn't it?
LOL - Ufast, huh? That doesn't bode well for the lady hornets, does it? No worries, I'm picking up what you're laying down :)
As for Ms. Wade's comment. I would prefer the poetic license to commit errors in my life with the support of my friends. I wouldn't call it a cycle but rather a learning curve. We all have one. I do believe those who truly know me, regardless, are still on my team despite certain discrepanicies which may or may not occur in my decision making.
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