1. Don't be an idiot. 2. Don't embarrass me. 3. Dress better. 4. Pay more attention to me. 5. Laugh at all my jokes. 6. Call me. 7. But not too much. 8. Get cooler friends. 9. Take me out for sushi... a lot. 10.Just do what I say and everything will be ok, at least until I get bored with you!
FOUND is a great find. If you ever get the chance to catch their tour, go for sure. It's quite entertaining.
Ok Jonathan,
Do these things and you will be fine.
1. Don't be an idiot.
2. Don't embarrass me.
3. Dress better.
4. Pay more attention to me.
5. Laugh at all my jokes.
6. Call me.
7. But not too much.
8. Get cooler friends.
9. Take me out for sushi... a lot.
10.Just do what I say and everything will be ok, at least until I get bored with you!
Ah Jessica - how fast you learn little grasshopper...
It has always worked for me ;)
Cute, he must be 10 cause that man doesn't exist.
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