Trials,Tribulations, Travels, Tastings...and Occassional Transcendence

Trials,Tribulations, Travels, Tastings...and Occassional Transcendence
Sock on the Great Wall

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


So this is my first blog - ever. Yes, EVER! I don't have an IPOD, the "stereo" I use is a boombox from 1991, I just got a laptop last fall (first computer EVER), I don't IM, I don't download songs on Itunes, nor have I ever even seen the Napster site, I don't Ebay, hell, my car still has a tape deck! So to say I am behind the techie times would be a gross understatement. I know, I feel as if I have living under a rock or in some technologically backwards timewarp - I just got my first DVD player (ever) last Christmas. Well, it's time to catch up with the 21st Century (that is the one we're in, right?)....

I must also interject here that this blogging thing was no idea of mine...oh no. As a human being we are susceptible to peer pressures and influences, both positive and negative, from those we hold closest to us. Brutus fell to the (negative) pressures of those who wanted a leader removed - so he killed his best friend due to those pressures. When in Rome.....

Here I am blogging because my roommate has started doing it on his myspace page, then one of my closest friends started her own blog site(thanks Jennie) - next thing I knew everyone was doing it! I must say, I have never been one to fall into the pressures of my peers - nor have I been known to follow the lemmings to the cliff - unless I am harnessed and tied off, of course. But here I am running with wild abandon staring at the furry little asses in front of me, not knowing where we will end up or even why we are running. All I know is they're all doing it, so it must be great....


Jennie said...

amen sista! I've decided to make a daily ( maybe weekly ) series on my blog entitled a campaign for fro Ari's west cost migration.

Jennie said...

ok it for Ari's west coast migration.... not " fro Ari's west cost migration

Ari said...

But it's true - due to the high humidity on the east coast my hair has taken on "fro" like qualities. It is in desperate need of a dry climate!

Jeff Welch said...

So stop talking about moving west and Just Do It (TM).

Jennie said...

Thank you Jeff