Trials,Tribulations, Travels, Tastings...and Occassional Transcendence

Trials,Tribulations, Travels, Tastings...and Occassional Transcendence
Sock on the Great Wall

Monday, October 22, 2007

Don't Upset the Monkey

This is what happens when you do upset the monkey...YIKES!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

I was almost attacked by a velvet monkey in Africa. The little bastard ran up to me and stole my sandwich. I tried to keep it form him, but when you have a monkey charging you with sharp yellow teeth and blue balls you may be more concerned with your life as i was. the Safari guide yelled at me for feeding the monkey. Like I had a choice. As we left I noticed a huge pile of half eaten lunch boxed tossed aside by the very same guide who yelled at me. the monkeys were all over them.