Trials,Tribulations, Travels, Tastings...and Occassional Transcendence

Trials,Tribulations, Travels, Tastings...and Occassional Transcendence
Sock on the Great Wall

Monday, November 26, 2007


I have been slacking on my blog writing duties and for good reason. I need to recover from the weekend. I should re-phrase that, by recover I don't mean from an old fashioned bender or from too many late nights of pool playing and beer drinking. My recovery is that of a different nature. I need a day to come back down to earth and regain my thoughts :) To be continued...


Jennie said...

and to clean your sleeping bag. camping can get dirty

Ari said...

Nice J.W. but there was no camping - stupid hunting season and no where to go w/o wearing all orange. I might have needed your hunting cap :)

flahute said...

Hmmm ...