Trials,Tribulations, Travels, Tastings...and Occassional Transcendence

Trials,Tribulations, Travels, Tastings...and Occassional Transcendence
Sock on the Great Wall

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Memoirs of Maine


stickboy said...

The one of you climbing is awesome!

Ari said...

Hahaha - that's one that I didn't take (obviously) :)

Anonymous said...

Hey kiddo, can you send me your pix too. The wii pix are priceless. It takes talent to make wii a contact sport. PS this is julie, but i cant remember my password currently and its starting to piss me off

stickboy said...

You made wii a contact sport???! Send me the pix tooo! Hope you had a helmet on!